Friday, April 15, 2011

I Hate This Review. So Much.

Between getting my AP work together, (trying to) start my online class, and posing for Alyssa, I have had next to no time to do this damn review.
  • It litterally took me two hours to label each photo I took with the band members who are in it. I understand that not every band is going to have a website or a facebook page; I would love it, cause that would make life so much easier, but I get that it won't happen. However, for the bands who do have pages, why can't you have either each member with their instrument or a group photo with each member labeled? Is that really so difficult? Seriously, come on.
  • Also, as a whole, I really don't like it when bands drop out of shows. Again, I understand that stuff happens, considering quite a few bands I'm friends with have done that before, but still! The way Talent Farm works is, when you pay to get in, you get a wrist band that has every band (in order) who is playing that night. Now, when bands drop out, and you don't actually know who the bands are, it messes up who you think is playing. This makes my job much more difficult.
  • Also, when bands suck. Not that I personally care, but this one band said "Hey, we've only practiced twice before, we don't know what we're doing... MIAMI HARDCORE!" and started playing. They were okay, but it's hard for me to write about it.
So yeah, I hate this show, and I honestly regret doing it. But now I don't even care if I get paid or not, I just want to no longer have this review looming over my head. If I miss another show, that looks pretty bad. This really is a great deal for me, being able to get into shows without spending any money, and I really don't want to lose this.

I'm just never going to cover a show without prior knowledge of the bands themselves. That was incredibly stupid.

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