One. I am using my 50 mm lens again, my first lens. Ever since I received my 18-70 mm lens, I have been nothing less than obsessed with the ability to zoom in on things. This is made all the worse when Connor lets me borrow his 55-200 mm. But it wasn't until the Reel Big Fish concert that I decided to use my 50 mm to handle the low lighting situation, and in turn, fell in love all over again. While my 50 mm forces me to "zoom with my feet," (which in all honesty is a habit I think that most would agree is very important to do) I am able to get a much greater depth of field much easier. I am also capable of getting closer, more detailed shots, primarily portrait shots. I love it.
The second however, is a mixed bag. I've decided to start an entirely new Concentration. In that, absolutely nothing of which I have done for the first 8 weeks of Concentration can be used. Nothing. At first, I was all gung-ho about doing self portraits- "Well... I don't have models. So I'll just use myself! This will be so easy! I do this for fun in my free time!" NO! It is no longer fun! Due to personal problems, my entire plan gets thrown off, and even if original plans had gone perfectly, I still have no visual cohesiveness and apparently, I'm an artistic mute (no personal voice). So even if I wanted to continue with my exploration of Aspects of the Human Personality, I quite litterally cannot. Which is why I went with Concert Photography. Something I'm quite good at, so says a magazine, my friends, and a ska band (Sir Veza) that would like me to take photos of them May 20th, which I am already ecstatic for. The main problem I have with this is producing AP level products; Magazines, Bands, Peers (outside of Art Class), and Myself are all capable of enjoying my work without such harsh criticism. I
I'll end this right here.
I want to see the pictures! please post some of them! I can't believe you changed your whole concentration! That's crazy! Good luck!!:)