While yesterday was techincally the first day, I consider today the first day since we now have our IDs and are officially able to leave campus and pursue our project. Today, I did leave campus and went to Chipotle with
Connor B. and Alejandro R. and we discussed possible ideas for how to present our projects at the end of the semester. My short videos and examples of my photography. But it depends on how much I get done as far as actual artwork is concerned. It will more than likely change as my project goes on.
Things I am excited for:
- Gaining more experience in my particular forms of photography. (i.e. Street/Candid, Concert, & Portrait/Glamour)
- Becoming a more well-rounded photographer.
- Having time specifically for me to go take photos/practice.
- Possibly shadowing several local photographers and gaining general knowledge on how to run a photography business.
No as excited for:
- Research.
Of course, I will do my research, but there's just something about Having to have certain types of resources each week is a bit of a put-off. I want to interview people, I want to do online research, but on my own time. Even that smallest form of a rule is irksome. I don't know, I'll just have to deal with as best I can.
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